Hearing Aid services
Optimize Your Hearing Aids
Whether you purchased your hearing aids through us or at another office, we can optimize your hearing aids if it is not performing well. We offer reprogramming, deep cleaning, and repair services.
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Hearing Aid Reprogramming
If you’re not doing well with your current hearing aids that were purchased from another place, we may be able to help. We can reprogram most major hearing aid brands. The adoption process may include consultation, hearing test (if needed), deep cleaning, reprogramming using Real-Ear measurements, counseling, and follow ups. Just call us, and we will help you determine the appropriate path.
Hearing Aid Cleaning
While our patients are trained on easy cleaning techniques at home, we highly recommend consistent in-office hearing aid cleaning to keep your devices in tip-top condition. Despite today’s hearing aids being very water-resistant, hearing aids are still prone to long-term damage from earwax and humidity especially in Louisiana. Once you drop off your devices, the process usually takes less than 30 minutes.

Hearing Aid Repairs
We understand the frustration when your hearing aids aren’t working. Sometimes it’s a quick fix in the office, while other times it needs to be sent back to the manufacturer for repair.
- For existing patients, there may or may not be a charge depending on your warranty and service agreement terms. Please contact us for help.
- For our guests with devices from another office, we charge based on the service and time rendered. Typical charge for this appointment starts at $45 but can increase depending on the extent of repair needed. Contact us for help!
NOTE: For any repairs, it is important to determine if it is a quick in-office fix or if it needs to be sent back to the manufacturer for repair. The only way to be certain is by testing the devices in a Hearing Instrument Test Box, or Electroacoustic Analysis. Please click here to learn more about this important troubleshooting tool that can save both of us a lot of headache.
Start Your Hearing Journey
At Ample Hearing, we’re committed to following best practices to ensure optimal hearing care. Contact us today to start your hearing wellness journey.
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